Procedures & Guidelines For Potential Investors

  • BYS LTD is the management and investment company under the direction of Yariv Aharon, Benjamin Eckman and Stuart Katz – seasoned entrepreneurs in Israel and the United States.
  • The company’s primary goal is to locate and assist investors with purchase of property in Harish, Israel.


  • Investor places $1000.00 into the company’s escrow account (in the name of Yariv Aharon, Esq.)
  • Investor signs a series of legal documents.
  • Deposit is refundable by written notice and within 30 days of when check was written.
  • By making this initial investment, it guarantees investor participation in the next round of auction.
  • Government reports land auction monthly. Last auction for Harish was June 2015
  • We wait until an appropriate lot opens up for us to bid on. Each lot can have anywhere between 60-200 houses
  • Depending on the size of our group at the time of the land auction, we bid and await news that our bid is approved or rejected.
  • List will be based on a first come basis.
  • At point of bid, we can estimate how much each apartment will cost.
  • As an example in 2012 we gave $1000.00 to join the bid. Our bid was accepted at auction. Apartment was initially estimated at $700,000 NIS (apx $180,000).


  • 6 weeks before bid, each investor must deposit $10,000.00 in escrow account. By so doing, BYS has the funds available to “bid on the lot”.
  • It takes approximately two months for a bid to be accepted (or rejected).
  • Within 45 after bid is accepted, investor must pay full amount for lot and fees. This amount can’t be determined at this time.
  • 90 days after winning the bid, investor must pay 20% of building costs.
  • Rest of building costs is dependent of how the building proceeds.



BYS LTD is a management and investment company under the direction of Yariv Aharon, Benjamin Eckman and Stuart Katz – seasoned entrepreneurs in Israel and the United States. The company’s primary goal is to locate and assist investors with purchase of property in Harish, Israel. The current focus is on the up and coming city of Harish - where today’s investment could very possibly be tomorrow’s fortune.


BYS will “hold your hand” from “A to Z”. From the initial stages of listening and helping you overcome any trepidations or concerns without any pressure at all to navigating the “red tape” and often times tedious process involved in the purchase and building of real estate to renting out and managing your property in the event that you’re not yet ready to move in when complete. We are there for you at any and every step of the way.


By investing in Harish with BYS you have the benefits of making an investment at the ground-level. You have the opportunity of being part of something big. You will benefit by the professionalism of dual-national Americans and Israelis who are fluent in the language and culture of both economies and populations.